15NEGATIVES is trying its best to be some sort of Etsy for darkroom and alt process photography. I created 15Negatives with the idea to make it easier for people to discover new darkroom artists to support by selling their work on one site. Right now there seems to be two equally undesirable options: try to sell our work amidst the white noise of sites like Etsy, or sell individually on our own websites. The latter, of course, is very difficult to promote. So, usually, the only people who ever go to an individual artist’s store is someone who already knows their work.
So, if you’re here, I’d encourage you to browse, discover new photographers, and support their work. And if there’s a feature you think would help in that discovery, please feel free to contact us. 15NEGATIVES is here to both serve artists and serve the people supporting them.
— David Allen
David Allen
David is a film photographer residing in Southwest France with his family. He has been called a “surrealist” photographer, which is probably pretty accurate. When hes’ not making art, he works part time in web development and graphic design. You can find more of his work at davidsallen.com.